Silence for World Peace
OUR VISION IS WORLD PEACE, this will be fullfilled with peace, happiness prosperity and wisdom. We are not born to suffer and to harm others then why we are in that part. Most of the people in the World are having so many sufferings even till their end of life. Is it right or wrong?. If wrong why they are with sufferings until the end of their life.
What is the reason behind this?. By the grace of Almighty, people are born to enjoy happiness and to share Divine love to all universal being but what’s going on.
Answer may be lackness on understanding of law of nature or ignorance.
People haven’t realised the law of Cause and effect.
Most of the people are self centered and due to this they cheat and expropriate their fellow people. Very rarely some people have realized the GOD CONSCIOUSNESS, the truth and according to nature law they are inhaling the life with GOD CONSCIOUSNESS and enjoying the nature. Further they are in a position to share their Divine love to the World.
To inhale this Divine love and to have an inner travel we planned to enjoy full silence program for World peace during end of every year.
The leaders of Politics, Spirituality and Science must have the GOD CONSCIOUSNESS to have a inner vision and to form Kindness. Their kindness might must be focused for World peace, happiness, good health, wealth and wisdom.
During the long deep silence our motive and blessings to the World will be on this holy part and with full satisfaction.
Once again we are delivering,
Man is born to enjoy the happiness. But their attitude towards life and their selfishness may lead to choas which paves the way to war, natural calamities. The Government and its reforms,science and its developmens must help and protect people. All the highest cadre people has the duty to serve the people and channelize them for a peaceful world.
The main motto of Karpagadaru Trust being World peace,Temple of Wisdom observes silence every year from Christmas day to the New year day. The silence (an Yogic yagna) purely for the welfare of the people and world peace.
Every year 100 to150 yogis join in the silence and meditate from early morning to night to visualise this holistic event.
Happiness, peace, health, wealth prosperity and wisdom of every single person is the prime core of the silence. A real yagna for world peace.
You may join hands to cherish world peace.
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